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Essai sur les relations numérique et les chambres d’écho émotionelles que les sites de dating en ligne peuvent créer. This triptych is an essay on digital relationships and the emotional echo chambers that online dating sites can create

I didn’t see your message / Ghosting 2021

I didn’t see your message / Ghosting 2021

My phone ran out / Ghosting 2021

My phone ran out / Ghosting 2021

I was busy / Ghosting 2021

I was busy / Ghosting 2021


Ghosting - Context of digital departure.
«When someone cuts off all communication without explanation — extends to all things, it seems. Most of us think about it in the context of digital departure: a friend not responding to a text, or worse, a lover, but it happens across all social circumstances and it’s tied to the way we view the world.»  

Text excerpts are from Adam Popescu «Why People Ghost — and How to Get Over It» as read in the New york Times, January 2019

Ce tryptique est un essai sur les relations numérique et les chambres d’écho émotionelles que les sites de dating en ligne peuvent créer. 
This triptych is an essay on digital relationships and the emotional echo chambers that online dating sites can create.